
Over 90% of our Year 13s usually choose to go to university. This is because it is a great way to expand your knowledge, meet new people and enjoy new experiences. 

University isn’t just about learning; it will enrich your life and will be an experience you will always remember. Yes, you get to study what you’re interested in and with the top experts in their fields, but you will also take your first steps to independent living. The independence and freedom you have at university allow you to build self-confidence, broaden your horizons and enjoy new interests.  

Not only will you gain a recognised and respected qualification, but you will also develop the essential skills you’ll need in your career and working life – communication, organisation, time management, teamwork, leadership and problem-solving.  

Going to university boosts your earning potential as having a degree makes you more attractive to employers and you’ll have a greater choice of jobs. The average salary for graduates is 30% higher than for non-graduates aged 25-30.  

Do you want go to university?

Not sure when to apply?

Some courses have different deadlines, and many are a long time in advance of the start of the course.

Early applications includes:

  • Competitive Courses: medicine, veterinary medicine/science, and dentistry
  • Competitive Institutions: Oxford and Cambridge

Are there additional admissions test?

Some course providers require additional admissions tests to be taken alongside the UCAS application, and these may have a deadline. Click here for more information.

Most admissions tests happen between August and November the year before you’re due to start your studies – some even earlier, before you’ve sent your UCAS application, so remember to check the date of your admissions test!

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